Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Thinking Conceptually

4/27  Select a social/political issue, gather research
5/9    3 different sketches due for selection of one
5/16  Refined design due
5/23  Printed poster due -- last class at Visual Asylum 

Object To Mark

4/25  Select photo
4/25  Begin simplifying
5/4    Draft for criteria with group
5/9    Refined image due
5/16  Final due

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Thursday bring in collage (take photo) made out of 4-5 different colors of tissue paper. In class we will translate digitally and work on 7 additional compositions using the same colors, exploring transparency and layers.

Hierarchy + Typography

Design Problem: Hierarchy

1. Choose a typeface (Helvetica, Clarendon, Bodoni etc), research the font, gather the following information: Name of font, designer, set of characters (or full alphabet), year created and descriptive or historical text.
2. Using that content design a poster for the typeface. Using scale, layout, hierarchy
See smaples pg 134
Upload to blog

Hierarchy Lesson


Setting Priorities

"type furniture"

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Creative Inspirations: Kit Hinrichs

Please write a summary of the Video interview with design legend, Kit Hinrichs.

Cropping Images

Write a summary from your notes on the video lesson we watched in class on cropping images.

Hard Crop
Soft Crop
Split Crop
Stickout Crop
The Knockout Crop
False Crop
Shape Crop